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Late November 2023 - the belly grows apace with the debt - working from home and stuck in a rut?
The daily commute is largely a thing of the past. This daily ritual saw millions of people spending hours in traffic before and after their working shift. This was accepted as a normal part of life and the sacrifice worth paying to find gainful employment in a chosen field with a preferable employer. There was nothing abnormal about an hour or more driving to and from the office. Office life was normal for millions. The brew room, the meetings, the interaction with colleagues, the camaraderie, the after - and during - work drinks, social gatherings, parties, the bullying, the tension, the affairs, the fights, the disciplinaries, the sackings. All part of the fun. Fun that many people now miss as their working week involves sitting in a small room at home, boxed in for the duration, probably dressed in the pyjamas for the whole day, and only leaving the seat, to nip to the kitchen for a lonely cup of tea and some lunch.
Many home-workers would say they enjoy that they no longer work at the office, with all the faff it involves. Most people slide out of bed, into the home office and log onto their computer. On one hand you have gained hours back in your life, but on the other, you have lost a large portion of all and any social interaction you once had. It is claimed that, within only a couple of years after the globalist's lockdown of humanity, the vast majority of workers who would formerly have worked in a busy office - have never met their current colleagues, face to face.
Financially, people are now saving money and time on travel to and from work. However, as a test of one's mental capacity and vigour, it would be interesting to ask those who have converted to home working, if they would respond positively if their employer told them that they are required to return to office-based work, 5 days a week. Not only have people become used to the home office style of work, but they have melded their home lives around their new working arrangements. Parenting, pets, and other lifestyle factors will all have changed to fit around the new working arrangements, and would be hugely problematic to readjust.
The downside may be that home workers are getting used to spending 5 days a week with virtually no face to face contact with other people. While the stress of preparing for the office - dressing, showering, shaving, dressing oneself - was a tiring process in itself, the pay off was a social sharpness and vigour, plus the follow on activities and life choices made by a person leaving the office at 5pm rather than the person closing his or her laptop in their living room, for another day, still dressed in the bathrobe and slippers. The dog needs a walk, the dinner needs preparing, the kids need lifts to sports, there's no time for the gym or to meet friends, besides, I'm not dressed! A host of lifestyle choices have changed, and not always for the better. Certainly, most people were accustomed to leaving the office and heading home but, en route home from the office, they might visit the gym, collect some groceries, stop for a pint with a colleague as the opportunity presented itself. The home worker has less inclination to head out for those activities, at the close of play. The upsurge in home workouts are testament to the decline in outgoing social interactions. The number of social interactions has declined significantly as a result, not only of a home working revolution, but because of the home comforts and entertainment that were there long before recent times, not to mention a rocketing devaluation of earned money, due to the rise of bills, the price of a pint, fuel and a coffee.
Where and how does one fit fitness into this new paradigm? If you're not being seen by anyone on a weekly basis, does your appearance matter? A mad panic may set in when one receives an invitation to a gathering. Nothing fits anymore and the hair's a mess. Appearance is a big motivator for people to keep fit and workout.
Health and wellness alone are less of an immediate concern for most people in today's strained financial times. For the person struggling to find money for the weekly expenditure, the size of their gut may shrink in pertinence, as an issue. Until, that is, one's health breaks down and the doctor recommends a list of pills you'll need to take for the remainder of your life - and you have only just turned 42.
Personally speaking, I was a gym regular member, and frequent user of the gym, for 20 years until forced to no longer be able the option of keeping one's self fit and healthy via that outlet(?). That was a bizarre component of recent years, whereby people trying to keep fit and healthy were banned from doing so? That will never make sense to me, because it did not, of course, ever make sense.
I no longer attend the gym. I'm not sure I ever truly felt comfortable in a gym environment. The gym always contains one or two freaky people, and those one or two are enough to put me off entering the building. Some of them were on the staff team at the gym, so they are always there. Off-putting would be the word I'd use. So perhaps I didn't need a reason to stop working out at the gym. I certainly haven't felt a good reason to return, even for the benefits I would gain. I've found it very difficult to get motivated to return to that world. I keep myself fit in other methods, but I am happy to describe the gym as the best place to be for best results, as is the sports field.
Optimum health, rather than survival, is the focus of our personal training service. Thriving, not just surviving. PT Paul encourages all his valued clients to reach the best they can be, setting realistic but ambitious targets. There is no one formula that works for everyone. PT Paul will fully consult with you on your barriers, your doubts about how to get to where you want to be. "I would be fit, except for........"
Paul will strike the balance and find the path for you to get yourself to optimum, and striving to stay there.
The daily commute is largely a thing of the past. This daily ritual saw millions of people spending hours in traffic before and after their working shift. This was accepted as a normal part of life and the sacrifice worth paying to find gainful employment in a chosen field with a preferable employer. There was nothing abnormal about an hour or more driving to and from the office. Office life was normal for millions. The brew room, the meetings, the interaction with colleagues, the camaraderie, the after - and during - work drinks, social gatherings, parties, the bullying, the tension, the affairs, the fights, the disciplinaries, the sackings. All part of the fun. Fun that many people now miss as their working week involves sitting in a small room at home, boxed in for the duration, probably dressed in the pyjamas for the whole day, and only leaving the seat, to nip to the kitchen for a lonely cup of tea and some lunch.
Many home-workers would say they enjoy that they no longer work at the office, with all the faff it involves. Most people slide out of bed, into the home office and log onto their computer. On one hand you have gained hours back in your life, but on the other, you have lost a large portion of all and any social interaction you once had. It is claimed that, within only a couple of years after the globalist's lockdown of humanity, the vast majority of workers who would formerly have worked in a busy office - have never met their current colleagues, face to face.
Financially, people are now saving money and time on travel to and from work. However, as a test of one's mental capacity and vigour, it would be interesting to ask those who have converted to home working, if they would respond positively if their employer told them that they are required to return to office-based work, 5 days a week. Not only have people become used to the home office style of work, but they have melded their home lives around their new working arrangements. Parenting, pets, and other lifestyle factors will all have changed to fit around the new working arrangements, and would be hugely problematic to readjust.
The downside may be that home workers are getting used to spending 5 days a week with virtually no face to face contact with other people. While the stress of preparing for the office - dressing, showering, shaving, dressing oneself - was a tiring process in itself, the pay off was a social sharpness and vigour, plus the follow on activities and life choices made by a person leaving the office at 5pm rather than the person closing his or her laptop in their living room, for another day, still dressed in the bathrobe and slippers. The dog needs a walk, the dinner needs preparing, the kids need lifts to sports, there's no time for the gym or to meet friends, besides, I'm not dressed! A host of lifestyle choices have changed, and not always for the better. Certainly, most people were accustomed to leaving the office and heading home but, en route home from the office, they might visit the gym, collect some groceries, stop for a pint with a colleague as the opportunity presented itself. The home worker has less inclination to head out for those activities, at the close of play. The upsurge in home workouts are testament to the decline in outgoing social interactions. The number of social interactions has declined significantly as a result, not only of a home working revolution, but because of the home comforts and entertainment that were there long before recent times, not to mention a rocketing devaluation of earned money, due to the rise of bills, the price of a pint, fuel and a coffee.
Where and how does one fit fitness into this new paradigm? If you're not being seen by anyone on a weekly basis, does your appearance matter? A mad panic may set in when one receives an invitation to a gathering. Nothing fits anymore and the hair's a mess. Appearance is a big motivator for people to keep fit and workout.
Health and wellness alone are less of an immediate concern for most people in today's strained financial times. For the person struggling to find money for the weekly expenditure, the size of their gut may shrink in pertinence, as an issue. Until, that is, one's health breaks down and the doctor recommends a list of pills you'll need to take for the remainder of your life - and you have only just turned 42.
Personally speaking, I was a gym regular member, and frequent user of the gym, for 20 years until forced to no longer be able the option of keeping one's self fit and healthy via that outlet(?). That was a bizarre component of recent years, whereby people trying to keep fit and healthy were banned from doing so? That will never make sense to me, because it did not, of course, ever make sense.
I no longer attend the gym. I'm not sure I ever truly felt comfortable in a gym environment. The gym always contains one or two freaky people, and those one or two are enough to put me off entering the building. Some of them were on the staff team at the gym, so they are always there. Off-putting would be the word I'd use. So perhaps I didn't need a reason to stop working out at the gym. I certainly haven't felt a good reason to return, even for the benefits I would gain. I've found it very difficult to get motivated to return to that world. I keep myself fit in other methods, but I am happy to describe the gym as the best place to be for best results, as is the sports field.
Optimum health, rather than survival, is the focus of our personal training service. Thriving, not just surviving. PT Paul encourages all his valued clients to reach the best they can be, setting realistic but ambitious targets. There is no one formula that works for everyone. PT Paul will fully consult with you on your barriers, your doubts about how to get to where you want to be. "I would be fit, except for........"
Paul will strike the balance and find the path for you to get yourself to optimum, and striving to stay there.

November 2023 - A great time to start improving your body and your fitness
How to turn the Autumn malaise into a project for next Spring
November is the perfect time to start focusing on YOU!!!! Everything about the winter and the festive season is geared around gifts to others, making sure you don't forget presents and cards, and also planning the week before and after Christmas day. The route to January is all about giving to others!
This can mean that your own body gets left to one side for, at first a week, then a month and then, without noticing, it is February and you are then on countdown to your summer holidays, only, you've gained a stone and a wobbly layer under the skin that won't look good by the pool or in the bikini or trunks.
It takes 12 weeks to make any significant difference to your bodyshape. Differences that look and feel and stay good. Sure, we can all lose a few pounds in a week or two, but they go straight back on once we open the pinot noir in earnest. General muscle tone will take a lot longer to establish, and 12 weeks is a reasonable time period to make those changes.
Drawing a timeline from 15th November through to the end of February 2024, completing two workouts per week - workout you have not been doing up to this moment - adds up to approximately 100 days - just over 12 weeks. By the end of February, with just 2 reasonably frisky workouts per week, you will have toned legs, bum, stomach and arms, and reduced the wobbly bits all over.
Starting in November is an investment in the Spring and Summer of next year.
The first step is to commit a part of your week to you, and you alone. You only need to find an hour or two each week, to make that difference. But find two hours or so and dedicate those hours to your body and your future health and fitness. Remember that the best you is the best you for your loved ones.
The next step is to find a workout that uses those hours best.
Paul at PWR, providing home visit workouts to people in the central Lancashire area, will formulate that plan and coach you through it, one hour at a time, one week at a time, one month at a time. You can work on the plan in your own time, and book Paul in for regular one to one coaching to keep you on track and keep you progressing at the best pace for you. Start as slowly as you like, and watch as your confidence and ability improves beyond your expectations.
November is a great time to start your body, health and fitness project.
How to turn the Autumn malaise into a project for next Spring
November is the perfect time to start focusing on YOU!!!! Everything about the winter and the festive season is geared around gifts to others, making sure you don't forget presents and cards, and also planning the week before and after Christmas day. The route to January is all about giving to others!
This can mean that your own body gets left to one side for, at first a week, then a month and then, without noticing, it is February and you are then on countdown to your summer holidays, only, you've gained a stone and a wobbly layer under the skin that won't look good by the pool or in the bikini or trunks.
It takes 12 weeks to make any significant difference to your bodyshape. Differences that look and feel and stay good. Sure, we can all lose a few pounds in a week or two, but they go straight back on once we open the pinot noir in earnest. General muscle tone will take a lot longer to establish, and 12 weeks is a reasonable time period to make those changes.
Drawing a timeline from 15th November through to the end of February 2024, completing two workouts per week - workout you have not been doing up to this moment - adds up to approximately 100 days - just over 12 weeks. By the end of February, with just 2 reasonably frisky workouts per week, you will have toned legs, bum, stomach and arms, and reduced the wobbly bits all over.
Starting in November is an investment in the Spring and Summer of next year.
The first step is to commit a part of your week to you, and you alone. You only need to find an hour or two each week, to make that difference. But find two hours or so and dedicate those hours to your body and your future health and fitness. Remember that the best you is the best you for your loved ones.
The next step is to find a workout that uses those hours best.
Paul at PWR, providing home visit workouts to people in the central Lancashire area, will formulate that plan and coach you through it, one hour at a time, one week at a time, one month at a time. You can work on the plan in your own time, and book Paul in for regular one to one coaching to keep you on track and keep you progressing at the best pace for you. Start as slowly as you like, and watch as your confidence and ability improves beyond your expectations.
November is a great time to start your body, health and fitness project.
Pre-season football fitness - Penwortham St. Teresa's Under 15s - August 2023
Recently, I was asked to take on the pre-season fitness training, by Tim, who manages St. Teresa football club under 15 team. At first, a daunting prospect of coaching a group of energetic teenagers who all know each other well and who I would have to be the man who makes them sick with fatigue. I jumped at the chance, nonetheless, following a hiatus caused by governmental restrictions on my usual business activities in recent years.
I was given 4 weeks, in August and September 2023, with Tim asking me to improve the aspects of fitness involved with football. I had to plan to fit this into the club's weekly 60-75 minute training session, alongside ball skills training and other disciplines.
We set up a 25 minute workout, and split the squad into three groups. Each group performed the workout once, for 4 concurrent weeks. I took a record of performance from 4 different disciplines including stamina, sprints and flexibility. This proved useful as players came back each week to check their improvements.
After a 4 week period, improvements were visible, particularly in stamina and flexibility. As competitive matches started in earnest, not only did the team win their first 3 matches, but they were notably fitter than their opposition and looked quicker across all positions.
While it is impossible to quantify whether the fitness training was a key influence on their early season match results, from visual observation of the matches alone, the team looked to have more energy and quicker recovery from sprints and bursts than their opposition.
I thank Tim and Steve for the opportunity, and I thank the lads for their warm welcome and for giving it 100% at all times. I wish St. Teresa's the best for the season, and I will continue to watch their matches this season.
Recently, I was asked to take on the pre-season fitness training, by Tim, who manages St. Teresa football club under 15 team. At first, a daunting prospect of coaching a group of energetic teenagers who all know each other well and who I would have to be the man who makes them sick with fatigue. I jumped at the chance, nonetheless, following a hiatus caused by governmental restrictions on my usual business activities in recent years.
I was given 4 weeks, in August and September 2023, with Tim asking me to improve the aspects of fitness involved with football. I had to plan to fit this into the club's weekly 60-75 minute training session, alongside ball skills training and other disciplines.
We set up a 25 minute workout, and split the squad into three groups. Each group performed the workout once, for 4 concurrent weeks. I took a record of performance from 4 different disciplines including stamina, sprints and flexibility. This proved useful as players came back each week to check their improvements.
After a 4 week period, improvements were visible, particularly in stamina and flexibility. As competitive matches started in earnest, not only did the team win their first 3 matches, but they were notably fitter than their opposition and looked quicker across all positions.
While it is impossible to quantify whether the fitness training was a key influence on their early season match results, from visual observation of the matches alone, the team looked to have more energy and quicker recovery from sprints and bursts than their opposition.
I thank Tim and Steve for the opportunity, and I thank the lads for their warm welcome and for giving it 100% at all times. I wish St. Teresa's the best for the season, and I will continue to watch their matches this season.
Testimonials from my valued clients
Tony Roe has shed 22lb during 3 summer months thanks to coached walks and diet. Tony has been disciplined with shopping lists, meal times and self motivated walks. Tony has seen improvements in body shape and cardiovascular fitness.
"Hi Paul,
This is amazing progress! I am very pleased with myself and I see a massive difference in my lifestyle.
I knows I am losing the weight and I am becoming a lot more motivated when it comes to my walking and
eating a lot healthier."
Tony Roe has shed 22lb during 3 summer months thanks to coached walks and diet. Tony has been disciplined with shopping lists, meal times and self motivated walks. Tony has seen improvements in body shape and cardiovascular fitness.
"Hi Paul,
This is amazing progress! I am very pleased with myself and I see a massive difference in my lifestyle.
I knows I am losing the weight and I am becoming a lot more motivated when it comes to my walking and
eating a lot healthier."
“Paul is a very thorough, thoughtful and dedicated coach. He will talk and listen to you to find out what you need and he will guide you through the lifestyle steps needed to make your goals happen. He is always prompt and his workouts are tough at times. He will design a programme that fits in with your ability, and gradually ups the intensity as and when you are ready to improve. Paul is encouraging and inspiring and makes you feel good about your performance. Your results, with Paul, will also speak for themselves."

Congratulations to fitness client and Thai boxer, Connor, for a superb win in Barnsley this weekend. Connor has been dedicated and determined for a couple of years, and the result, this weekend, justify his hard work.
Well done to fitness client, Yuvraj, who made it into the Lancashire County Cricket Under 15s side in 2019.
Congratulations to our valued clients, Caroline and Shirley, who completed the London Marathon.
In recent years I have worked closely with people from a range of health backgrounds, including
Visual impairment
Working with this wide range of backgrounds has been inspirational and hugely rewarding, as together, my clients and I discover many ways in which to fulfil potential and feel satisfied with their progress and achievements.
I listen to people’s needs and hopes and set targets accordingly, providing a friendly, supportive, safe and encouraging approach for all my valued clients.
PWR Personal Training
3 Burnlea Grove, Alma Row, Hoghton, Preston, Lancashire, PR5 0EB Tel: 07855 121232
In recent years I have worked closely with people from a range of health backgrounds, including
Visual impairment
Working with this wide range of backgrounds has been inspirational and hugely rewarding, as together, my clients and I discover many ways in which to fulfil potential and feel satisfied with their progress and achievements.
I listen to people’s needs and hopes and set targets accordingly, providing a friendly, supportive, safe and encouraging approach for all my valued clients.
PWR Personal Training
3 Burnlea Grove, Alma Row, Hoghton, Preston, Lancashire, PR5 0EB Tel: 07855 121232
A few of our clients' comments from recent months and years
December 2018
"Paul's professional manner and experience and has been invaluable to my training and preparation for the London Marathon April 2019. He has provided great ideas and tips for achieving this goal including diet and exercise plans and suggestions for preparation both mentally and physically for this massive challenge. His knowledge and experience of sports nutrition and exercise is very extensive. After each session he has provided written notes on the topics discussed which I have then been able to review when needed. He has offered words of support and encouragement before and after recent races and when I have been feeling a little down and hit a wall when training isn't going to plan. I would not hesitate to give my endorsement to anyone, thinking of taking a similar challenge or making a fitness lifestyle change in their lives, to employ Paul as their personal trainer to achieve theirs goals." |
Email Paul now: [email protected]
May 2018 - Inch and weight loss for Steve and Zoe from Mellor, near Blackburn, in just 21 days this month.
May 2018
I whole heartedly endorse Paul's approachability, knowledge and methods. Losing 20 pounds in 8 weeks in a healthy and sensible way speaks for itself. When I started with Paul I was 16 stone 4. After an 8 week period my weight had dropped to 14 stone 12. 'I had experience of other personal trainers prior to meeting Paul. To be honest these experiences had left me pretty cold towards personal trainers. What I found with Paul was a tailored personal service. It wasn't simply about working hard – it was an all-encompassing approach which addressed diet, exercise, sleep and lifestyle. We talked through each in a friendly and sensible way and agreed some goals to work towards. I didn't really appreciate the impact that diet could have and how a sensible diet would make such an immediate impact when combined with the right types of exercise. Paul explained the right combinations of foods in a clear and coherent manner. When I started with Paul I was 16 stone 4. I had a couple of setbacks along the way – although Paul didn't lose his focus or drive, but simply encouraged me to go again. After an 8 week period my weight had dropped to 14 stone 12. I feel much healthier, stronger and fitter, my clothes fit me again and I am enjoying training. I would like to get down to 14 stone 4 – and feel very confident that I can achieve this. Paul is about helping you achieve your goals by listening to you and designing a bespoke approach to get there. He works at your level, but is constantly trying to evolve your abilities and thought processes. He has a very relaxed and friendly style, whilst maintaining focus towards your targets.' |
![]() "I was very happy with the results you helped me achieve, which were greater than I anticipated at the start of our sessions.
I found your methods and instructions to be clear and straightforward.... ....Thanks again for your help to date and ... I will certainly be recommending you." Martin P. of Penwortham (read more here) |
Sarah wanted to lose her post birth tummy fat in the spring.
By the end of June, Sarah had completed a 8 lb fat loss goal, ready for her holidays.
Dave Heaps suffered a chest illness and gout in the autumn
Dave has recovered completely, and now completes 7 mile runs several times a week.
November weight loss success for friends working out together
Lynne and Kelly have both lost 8lb in a short, 23-day period, taking them into Christmas slimmer and more toned. They have succeeded by working out together - with trainer, Paul - and they have adjusted their eating accordingly. Well done ladies.
Instant weight loss for Jenny
Miss Jenny B. started in November and, unbelievable as it might sound, after only one workout and consultation she had already reduced her weight by 5lb. By the end of February Jenny B. has lost 19 pounds in weight More success here.
Weight loss and energy for Warren
Mr. Warren M, a businessman, started a weight and energy management plan in September.
"In 7 weeks I have lost 21 pounds of bodyfat!" After many years of trying, gym based training had not worked and I was unable to control fitness and weight.
I needed something of a new approach, to work within my time scales and diary, in order to achieve benefits. I found the PWR website online and Paul visited my home for a free initial chat, shortly afterwards. I expected more of a regime styled training approach. Instead I have found that we have taken more of a balanced view on diet and exercise, which is much more interesting, and better. To date (approx 7 weeks) I have developed a better approach to diet, exercise and - reduced stress levels. I have stopped drinking caffeine and alcohol, and have seen stress and weight benefits due to both. Also down to the exercises which are varied and interesting. I would definitely recommend Paul (from PWR) to others."
Janet describes her success with Paul on YouTube
See more comments at our blog and our official website
By the end of June, Sarah had completed a 8 lb fat loss goal, ready for her holidays.
Dave Heaps suffered a chest illness and gout in the autumn
Dave has recovered completely, and now completes 7 mile runs several times a week.
November weight loss success for friends working out together
Lynne and Kelly have both lost 8lb in a short, 23-day period, taking them into Christmas slimmer and more toned. They have succeeded by working out together - with trainer, Paul - and they have adjusted their eating accordingly. Well done ladies.
Instant weight loss for Jenny
Miss Jenny B. started in November and, unbelievable as it might sound, after only one workout and consultation she had already reduced her weight by 5lb. By the end of February Jenny B. has lost 19 pounds in weight More success here.
Weight loss and energy for Warren
Mr. Warren M, a businessman, started a weight and energy management plan in September.
"In 7 weeks I have lost 21 pounds of bodyfat!" After many years of trying, gym based training had not worked and I was unable to control fitness and weight.
I needed something of a new approach, to work within my time scales and diary, in order to achieve benefits. I found the PWR website online and Paul visited my home for a free initial chat, shortly afterwards. I expected more of a regime styled training approach. Instead I have found that we have taken more of a balanced view on diet and exercise, which is much more interesting, and better. To date (approx 7 weeks) I have developed a better approach to diet, exercise and - reduced stress levels. I have stopped drinking caffeine and alcohol, and have seen stress and weight benefits due to both. Also down to the exercises which are varied and interesting. I would definitely recommend Paul (from PWR) to others."
Janet describes her success with Paul on YouTube
See more comments at our blog and our official website
More amazing results
Email from 23rd July 2014
Hi Paul Thank you very much for the really helpful training review and advice. It certainly reinforces some key areas that I was previously unaware of. I really enjoyed the session yesterday and I can feel the effects of it now. I will definitely recommend you to anyone who expresses an interest in getting fitter and healthier. Many thanks again, Steve |

Duncan reduced body fat percentage from 25% to 18% over the space of 6 months.
Together with wife-to-be Caroline,
they have completed several 13 mile runs,
such as the Chester Half Marathon in May.
both having been non-runners 12 months previous.
Together with wife-to-be Caroline,
they have completed several 13 mile runs,
such as the Chester Half Marathon in May.
both having been non-runners 12 months previous.
PWR Personal Training
3 Burnlea Grove, Alma Row, Hoghton, Preston, Lancashire, PR5 0EB Tel: 07855 121232
3 Burnlea Grove, Alma Row, Hoghton, Preston, Lancashire, PR5 0EB Tel: 07855 121232
Your goal shape, weight, energy and sense of well being

Its all about YOUR GOALS.
When you enrol (click here) you will receive a questionnaire in which you can tell us your dream goals. We will give you an honest and fair guide to how you can achieve it.
Weight Management Top Tips
Alongside your training regime, you will receive top tips on controlling food, and dozens of super hot tips on how to permanently avoid the traditional mistakes we make in trying to lose fat.
Learned Legacy
We want you to stay with us in the long term, but we aim to educate you so that the results you see are long lasting, independently sustainable and part of your ongoing lifestyle.
When you enrol (click here) you will receive a questionnaire in which you can tell us your dream goals. We will give you an honest and fair guide to how you can achieve it.
Weight Management Top Tips
Alongside your training regime, you will receive top tips on controlling food, and dozens of super hot tips on how to permanently avoid the traditional mistakes we make in trying to lose fat.
Learned Legacy
We want you to stay with us in the long term, but we aim to educate you so that the results you see are long lasting, independently sustainable and part of your ongoing lifestyle.